Monday, November 24, 2014


Thanksgiving celebration in Tiszafüred
Thanksgiving is not celebrated in Hungary as an official holiday as it is in the US.  Many of the churches do set aside a special Sunday, however, when they come together to give thanks to the Lord for the blessings of the year.

Yesterday the church plant in Tiszafüred hosted such a celebration, and many joined us from sister churches in nearby towns. It was a great encouragement and blessing to praise God together for who He is and all that He has been doing in our lives!

Our friend and church plant group member "Z" gave testimony of the Lord's faithfulness in walking with her and her daughter "T" through very dark days, as T had a long-awaited brain surgery earlier this year.  T has been doing much better since the surgery, but has now begun to have very troubling episodes again. Pray for them especially this Wednesday, November 26, as they will be returning to the doctor in Budapest for some tests and a consultation.  Also pray for church plant member "J," who is losing her sight from glaucoma.  Thank you!

We wish you all a very blessed Thanksgiving!

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