Sunday, December 11, 2011

Busy times...Gary preaching today

We're in the midst of very busy times here as we prepare for our 5-month Stateside Assignment..I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep up with updating you all very well.  I do have pictures and more prayer requests that I'll post when I can.  Right now we are getting ready to leave for Kaba, where Gary will be preaching at an event at the small Baptist church.  Please pray that the Lord will speak through him in spite of his exhaustion, and that He will give Gary the ability to communicate clearly what's on his heart (never easy to do in Hungarian even when well-rested and perky!)

Thanks for praying for us, and also a big thank you to those of you who give through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, which makes it possible for us to remain here and do the work that we do.  You all are a blessing, and we appreciate you!